Ok, I must admit that when it comes to a subject like Google I feel like I felt back in middle school admiring the popular girl. “She is SO pretty. She is SO popular. She is SO stylish”
It’s pathetic I know, but I really have a teen crush on Google.
Of course I haven’t told her this outright. No, I’d be far too timid to just come out and tell her, but honestly I think she knows already. I mean look, I gaze at her several times everyday. She must have noticed me by now. I write her often exposing my deepest thoughts and most guarded desires. I make it all so obvious to her. She hears all I say to my friends about her and what my friends respond with as advice.
How could she not know? Of course she knows that I love her. Of course she knows my true feelings. She knows exactly what I am thinking, everything I am doing, and where I am doing it. Of course she knows. She knows everything about me.
My love, I know you are listening. I hope you are good at keeping secrets.
Trust me she knows and she is interested too... You guys are not exclusive but she is definitely interested... she is constantly giving you signals by "randomly" placing ads of interest in your inbox. She is tracking down your every thought and accordingly uses them to make you love her even more... :)
ReplyDeleteMiss you Jeffyyyy
she's a bitch. she creates a big file on you, and will use it when you least expect.