It’s a good idea to plan your Friday or Saturday night. As a general rule you would be smart to consider your options as your day develops. By 9:00pm or 10:00pm you should have a good idea of what you would do with your social life…
…that is if you are NOT in Madrid.
If you ARE in Madrid you would be far too responsible to start planning this early. Better would be to wait until the population of crazy maniacs around you start discussing plans at around mid-night or 1:00am. “Maybe Fortuny at 2:00? No, let’s consider Gabana at 2:30? Wait, let’s go to Pacha… but anyone who is anyone won’t show up until 3:30. Ok, Pacha at 3:30 but if it’s not hot lets bounce to 69 Petalos by 4:30am.”
Are you freaking kidding me? My god, you are going to START the night at 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00?!? I am trying to get a buzz on at 9:00pm and I can’t meet my friends for another 7 hours? Oh god, I am going to die.
“Perdoneme waiter, I would like another RedBull por favor.”
Fine, when in Madrid, right?… Ok so it’s 3:00am and I’ve been drinking like a fratboy during Greekweek for five hours and now you want to go to a club?! Good, I hope you enjoy carrying me there on your back. Wait, you ACTUALLY carried me on your back?! Oh god, you people are insane… I hate you.
Wait a minute… is that Beyonce I hear?! Fist pump fist pump!!!
You, Sir, have a rapist wit. I actually laughed out loud when I read this. Sounds like you're having a good time, buddy!