5 years ago this was the mantra of just about every tech start-up. They were referring to the dream of being acquired by Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft. Well now-a-days, the GYM is not looking so enticing and most would rather just get FAT (Facebook, Apple, & Twitter).

Google is facing backlash from both consumers groups and government regulators. Yahoo has lost market value to the tune of $22 billion. And Microsoft? Well, Microsoft in my humble opinion is stagnating.
Certainly I am biased. There could be no greater advocate for Microsoft than me (as they are headquartered in my hometown and currently employ many of my close friends). Microsoft introduced nearly every computer-literate person alive to everyday personal computing. They invented and marketed nearly every popular computing capability in use today. They have accomplished all this and more… and even so, I am writing this on an Apple laptop – that’s really saying something.
So what is wrong with Microsoft? Well for starters it seems from the outsiders perspective that the drive for innovation within the organization is gone. Comfortable with their cash-cow Windows operating system, maybe the constant stream of cash has lured them into a sense of complacency, if not over confidence. Without a major product innovation in years, more nimble competitors have zoomed past Microsoft in key areas, with feeble responses from Redmond.
Whatever the reason, Microsoft will need to re-evaluate its place in the market in order to find a niche for future growth. To regain the trust and spark interest from consumers like me, an exciting technical advancement will be required.
If not soon, the FAT cats will dominate the day. And this day is rapidly approaching.
Check out Project Natal and Tag. Both are pretty wicked whe it comes to MS innovation.
ReplyDeleteWow! I really like Project Natal. I can't wait to try it. Looks like it could be more broadly applied than wii in a home entertainment system. Hope it works as well as it looks in the video!
ReplyDeleteAs for Tag, I understand this same technology has been in use in Japan for quite some time. In fact I've seen some Starbucks signs with a similar tag. Pretty cool either way!