Monday, May 24, 2010
5 years ago this was the mantra of just about every tech start-up. They were referring to the dream of being acquired by Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft. Well now-a-days, the GYM is not looking so enticing and most would rather just get FAT (Facebook, Apple, & Twitter).
Google is facing backlash from both consumers groups and government regulators. Yahoo has lost market value to the tune of $22 billion. And Microsoft? Well, Microsoft in my humble opinion is stagnating.
Certainly I am biased. There could be no greater advocate for Microsoft than me (as they are headquartered in my hometown and currently employ many of my close friends). Microsoft introduced nearly every computer-literate person alive to everyday personal computing. They invented and marketed nearly every popular computing capability in use today. They have accomplished all this and more… and even so, I am writing this on an Apple laptop – that’s really saying something.
So what is wrong with Microsoft? Well for starters it seems from the outsiders perspective that the drive for innovation within the organization is gone. Comfortable with their cash-cow Windows operating system, maybe the constant stream of cash has lured them into a sense of complacency, if not over confidence. Without a major product innovation in years, more nimble competitors have zoomed past Microsoft in key areas, with feeble responses from Redmond.
Whatever the reason, Microsoft will need to re-evaluate its place in the market in order to find a niche for future growth. To regain the trust and spark interest from consumers like me, an exciting technical advancement will be required.
If not soon, the FAT cats will dominate the day. And this day is rapidly approaching.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Champions League Final
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Never be alone again!!! - try FourSquare
Do you remember the good old days when we would make plans, go to meet at some place, and stay there all night?... well I don’t, because I am not 50+ years old. But if I did remember those days I’d be glad they are over.
Now that the stone age is finished and the sparks of the digital age are really flying, we can freely move about our physical world confident that our cyber world will take shape to keep us in constant contact with friends and family. From text messaging to mobile Facebook and Twitter, we are never out of contact, never bored and never alone. Whether a function of the digital revolution or simply our reaction to it, programmers and users are shaping mobile connectivity to make it easier and more approachable to daily life.
Recently I downloaded FourSquare for my iPhone. The concept behind this app is to create a social community of mobile users which overlays a digital environment on top of our physical world – in laymen’s terms: give every establishment a small message board/blog for patrons to communicate.
Screen shot from my iPhone
I’ve been “checking in” at my favorite establishments (including my business school). This gives me access to information from others who are/have been visiting the same location. In addition I score points each time, which elevates my status within the system, culminating in earning the ‘mayorship’ of a location – I’m coming after you Enrique Dans!!
In my view this has HUGE potential for marketers. Retail companies struggle everyday to gather customer insights and promote loyalty programs that are both relevant and easy to use. FourSquare allows customers to interact in a digital world with their fellow patrons and with the retailer. Open communication is encouraged and loyalty is rewarded – all at NO COST!
My former, over-caffeinated employer would be wise to take note of the FourSquare model.
Monday, May 17, 2010
More pictures from Valencia trip
Friday, May 14, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Studying Financial Analysis - Valuation
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day Mom!!!
Huevos Rotos Breakfast
Thursday, May 6, 2010
How to Finance Your MBA on Currency Valuation
Ok, so I decided to do my MBA in Spain. The logic behind this was simple:
1) My career thus far has been focused on international business
2) I love it
3) I have already worked in Asia and North America, so it makes sense to experience more of Europe
4) If you are going to drop $100K for a piece of paper, why not enjoy yourself in the process?
So the decision is simple, right? Well, yes… I guess. But there is of course a moment when pen hits paper and you find yourself filling out a check for an ungodly amount of money. This is certainly a gut check – “Is this the right school? Is this the right time? How many dollars is this anyway?!”
As of December 21st: $70,000
As of January 10th: $65,000
As of April 26th: $60,000
As of May 6th: $56,000
Look I love free money. Definitely I love free $14,000. If you were to approach me on the street and offer me $1 I would happily take it. But seriously what the heck is going on here?
What is going on? Well, Greece is going on! And so too is Portugal and Ireland and… Spain. The PIGS (yes, use your Scrabble or Words-With-Friends skills to figure this out) are coming to feast on a trough of economic scrutiny. After a good scrubbing of the multitude of Wall Street balance sheets, the Excel-happy auditors have moved on and found a curious anomaly: these developed/ing countries are COMPLETELY INSANE.
Like a 16 year old girl with daddy’s credit card, the PIGS have been racking up debt on fashionable goods to attract the popular boys, while skipping school and avoiding work.
Well listen sweethearts, it’s time to put down the plastic and pick up a shovel, because you are in a heap of trouble. Your debt does not match your spending. “Oh, but you have siesta and sunset walks on the beach to attend to?” Well I have news for you. You also have 8-10% cost of capital to attend to.
Go ahead and riot Greece. Go ahead and blame Goldman Sacks Portugal. The reality is that you have a truckload of debt, no substantial exports, and no future economic growth to leverage. Go ahead and cry to daddy for a new credit line if you like, but ultimately it’s time to own it, cut spending, and grow your productivity.
In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the low euro with a cheaper cerveza to accompany my tapas and MBA.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
An Evil Which is Consuming Spain
I have recently identified the most criminal, illiquid evil that is currently consuming Spain. In my investigations of over one month I have experienced this evil nearly every day. It’s inequity and unjust value leaves the rich poor and the poor poorer. No doubt a product of a global conspiracy, this evil can be found everywhere - in every street, among the people, in the restaurants, in the pubs, and in the bars of Madrid.
Though this evil is clearly out in the open, its ubiquity blinds us, hiding it from common observation. It leaves a lingering thirst that can seemingly never be satisfied. It robes all people - regardless of race, color, or creed - of fairness, righteousness, and liberty.
I present to you this evil… the 200mL Coca-Cola bottle!
By my estimates I’ve already spent over $200 on these fascist devil-cokes. This means at current rates I will spend over $2,400 in soda during the course of the year… That is unless I do something about it.
The most obvious option would be to stop drinking these Napoleon sized midget bastard cokes. For me this is not an option. It’s like telling a fish not to swim, or like telling a Spanish waiter not to give bad service. It’s just not something that’s going to happen.
So, I really have only one option. I must take down the Coca-Cola Company. This will be my new sole focus in life. I will fight for justice. I will fight for the people of Spain. I fight for the future welfare of thirsty students and parched tourists.
Coca-Cola this is your warning. We have declared our independence. We will stand and fight. Coca-Cola 200mL bottle, your days are numbered!