In illustrating the spirit of his vibrant surroundings, Ernest Hemmingway once described the “mad, whirling carnival” he saw around him in Spain. As an American studying at Madrid’s IE Business School I will be documenting my experience with this blog, dedicated to that theme.

For friends and family, you can find frequent updates on my life and adventures by checking back here regularly. For anyone else, I hope you find my posts on business school and life in Spain interesting.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

La Fiesta San Fermin


My apologies to family and friends for a long absence in updating my blog. Classes, studies, and lots of fun have kept me from my duties. I’m sure however that you’ll forgive me for that.

As a special treat for your gratuitous pardon, I have provided a video link where you can see me run for my life away from bulls. This was Pamplona, La Fiesta San Fermin.

(look 1 min 59 sec, lower right on the screen)

Immediately after the run, with fellow classmates in the bullring

That was a special opportunity for me. A great many people include ‘Running with the Bulls’ in their bucket list, but so few have the opportunity, while still young enough, to actually do it. For me this with a “must” during my time in Spain and I am glad I did it.

That said… don’t ever ask me to do it again! For that matter don’t even imply or joke that I should consider doing it again. I will tell you no and then I will punch you in the face (kidding of course, mostly).

Running with the bulls consists of the following: 45 minutes of fearful waiting packed in narrow alley with hundreds of people and then 3 minutes of sheer terror running. Twice I had to climb the walls to escape chasing bulls. Alas when you’re finally done and quite happy to be alive, you find yourself trapped inside a bull ring with younger bulls bounding about, tossing people with their horns into the air. This goes on for maybe an hour.

Yup. Once is quite enough for me. Thank you very much!

Aside from all that, the Fiesta is the biggest party you've ever seen that doesn't stop for 168 hours strait. You can see I enjoyed this part as well :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

World Cup Quarter Finals

- Please excuse the brevity and typos. Posting from my iPhone