Ok, this post is about my MBA classmate. From whom I learned so much.
I will take a few paragraphs to fully develop my point, so I bag for your patience as you read. I promise I will indeed come to a logical conclusion.
In quantum physics there exists a theory called the Uncertainty Principal. This principle was first published by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 and is thus known as the “Heisenberg Principle of Uncertainty” (mathematically, ∆X * ∆P ≥ h / (4*p)). In short - and insufficiently described by yours truly - it details the fact that object (and their component parts of electrons, protons and neutrons) can never be precisely positioned in terms of both location and direction simultaneously. This means that if we manage to measure an object's precise location, equally precise direction or momentum cannot be determined (and vise versa). Thus it is said that energy bares the same relation to time as momentum does to space.
The rational behind this phenomenon is that as we attempt to locate an object – logically by shining light on it - we fundamentally influence it in space and time (we are after all knocking it around with electromagnetic photons). Moving a bit deeper we know our component parts (electrons, protons, and neutrons) sometimes exist as particles (as is predicted by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity) and sometimes as waves. These parts move in-and-out of observability – from particles to waves of energy, and back.
Ok I know, I know, this is super abstract and bordering on the realm of “1960’s-acid-trip-science-professor”, so I will shortly make a more grounded connection to our real lives.
In Spain we were about 300 young people learning new skills from professors and more importantly each other. We were physically located together, improving our futures through education and global connection. We moved from 70+ countries to live and study together in Madrid. We occupied the same physical space and interacted (over a brief period of time) with each other in the hope of positively influencing each others' collective future directions.
To the outside observer, we individually carry roughly the same mass and move day-to-day in roughly the same directions. According to the theory of relativity we were 300 bundles of wave energy occupying roughly the same space, moving in roughly the same direction. Heisenberg-style observes might have attempted to measure my, or any of my classmates’, location and they could achieve a high degree of accuracy. However if they attempted to measure my, or any of my classmates’, direction they would probably not have a clue where we are all headed.
This is OUR uncertainty principle.
This year we occupied roughly the same physical space. Next year we will not. We will move in different directions, be it north, south, east, or west. This cannot be measured accurately at this time. Our directions are infinite and undefined.
But be us waves of energy or physical particles, for one year we occupied the same physical space… and for that I am eternally grateful.
Looking out upon my fellow IE classmates I hope to track your directions over time, however uncertain they may be.
You are all waves of energy… and of that I am quite certain.